Planning a Round-The-World Trip

Travel 2

This is Really Happening

It was a crazy couple of weeks leading up to the departure date of our trip. We had to think about move out dates, storage units, travel gear, selling our belongings, giving up our vehicles, booking flights, travel insurance, researching visas, vaccinations, physicals, last minute dental emergencies, fitting our belongings for all seasons for a year into one carry on, etc.  I am not sure the reality of leaving had settled in, even on my last shift at the hospital. Although my last shift at the hospital went off with a bang, that’s for sure. It certainly didn’t feel real walking out of my very last shift at Joes, not to return. However, it was also somewhat of a liberating feeling for me knowing that I wasn’t authentically happy there, and I was finally moving on.

No Turning Back Now

I think when everything really settled in, was during our engagement/going away party my parents hosted for us. All of our wonderful friends and family came to wish us well and say goodbye. That was the first night I realized, I’am jobless, essentially homeless, somewhat without any direction, and really going to miss everyone. Having a tremendous amount of support helped soften the overwhelming feelings of stress, fear of failure, and uncertainty. I am so thankful that everyone in our lives has been incredibly supportive, excited, and cheering us on to move forward with this adventure.

We Can do This

Unfortunately, Alex and I are procrastinators by nature which can sometimes be a good thing to get us motivated and get things done. I am certainly not recommending this when planning a RTW trip, or any trip for that matter. I encourage you to plan well and not plan too much at the same time. It really is a balancing act. You have to be mentally and emotionally prepared to meet all of the challenges and frustrations along the way, believe that it will all come together, and that the stars will align. I will keep you posted! Fingers crossed!

Love, Nurse Vanessa
